Project One - Process for 2/3 Group Crit


Because you cannot completely see that my object is a refrigerator, and a vintage-looking one at that, I messed with the idea of having one door open so you can see the handle and the logo, and having the bottom door closed. I traced both on a separate document and copied and pasted it to the original process AI document. 

I also added in some shelves for the bottom opening. 

I'm trying to decide what I need to add to the object to make it more "fantasy-like", as I will be using it as a plantholder and a shelf with books. It's going to be a sort of storage-type appliance, rather than a real fridge. But I feel like I need to incorporate it with another kind of object so that it has another kind of use. I'm not sure yet what I want that to be, so if anyone has ideas, feel free to share.


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